Monday 14 March 2011

When in doubt, get the Pink Petticoat out!

So every now and then, I get a request for a handmade card from one of my husband’s friends.  It’s great that they consider a handmade card as a special thing for their ladies….but to put it bluntly, boys are so rubbish at telling you what they want! 

This time however, I sent hubby armed with printouts of all my cards.  His friend only had to pick on….and he did – a black and red themed Valentine Card. No problem.  Colour scheme?  “Exactly as it is in the picture”.  Great! Seems straight forward.

However, by the time hubby’s got home to point at the required card, requirements had mellowed somewhat into “A card like that, but not that style and could you change the colours so it’s not so dark.  He didn’t want to say anything ‘cos he didn’t want to be a bother”. *sigh* 

So to the trusty Pink Petticoat papers and my interpretation of what is required

IMG_8942I think he’ll like it.  It’s a 8 inch easel card trimmed with ribbon and gems and embellished with flowers.IMG_8946

Let me know what you think Smile

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. don't you love the straight forward orders? Job done good if you ask me. I love PP stuff too


I'd love to hear what you think....thanks for looking :-)