Sunday 9 August 2015

From One Pixie to Another

So while I was making my card for Less is More, my daughter, Annie (8) was busy making some little cards for her friends to say farewell while we go on holiday.  Since I was introduced to the Pixie's Crafty Workshop last week, I think they'll be perfect for Di's challenge to make a card with snippets.

So over to Annie:

"Today I made cards without bugging my mum.  They are for my best friends, Evie and Charlotte.  Charlotte lives next door so I play with her more, and Evie is my bestest friend in the whole entire world.

I've made my cards using pink and turquoise card and little punches from my mum's cupboard (sssh! don't tell her!).  Here they are:

 This one is my favourite.  I added pollen using pearl glitter stuff.

Mum says I can start my own I'm looking for blog names.  

These are some of my blog ideas:

Butterfly Mayhem
Pixie Dust
Singing Flowers
Purple Leaf
Craft to the Rescue

Do you have any ideas?  I'd love to hear them.

Thanks for looking.  I hope you like my cards. 

love Annie xx "

Isn't she cute!  She's my card designer and inspiration.  So proud of her :-)



  1. Well done on your first challenge, Annie! Hope you're looking forward to Blogland!

    Love you lots

  2. Oh wow, those are gorgeous cards! And well done for making them (and acquiring stuff from the craft cupboard...shhhh...) without your mum noticing! ;)

    I can't wait to see your blog when you create one. I love your name ideas, especially Butterfly Mayhem and Pixie Dust! :D


  3. Hi Annie! What a lovely surprise to find you playing with us in the Snippets Playground! I LOVE your cards, really so pretty and beautifully made - and of course a wonderful way to use up little snippets of paper and card :)

    Oh what fun it would be if you start off your very own blog - and I just BET you know what name I think is best - 'Pixie Dust' of course. We Pixies have to stick together you know. I chose my blog name quite a long while ago - because I used to be a Pixie in Brownies and also it was my nickname right up until I left school. If you didn't have Pixie Dust (someone else might already have that as their blog name, you'll find that out when Mum helps you to set up your blog) - I also think that Pixie Mayhem would be a fun name. Whatever you choose, good luck and do please come and play with us in the Playground again.

    Love and a hug

    Di xx

  4. See, Jen thinks Pixie Dust too! I deliberately mixed one word from two names when I suggested Pixie Mayhem by the way - they can be a little bit naughty at times and cause mischief! Tee, hee.

    Di x

  5. What pretty cards you have made Annie. Congratulations on entering Pixie's challenge. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more from you. Barbxx

  6. Fabulous cards, Annie! I spotted them over on Pixie's Snippets Playground and came on over for a closer look. I couldn't believe it was I read that you are only eight! What a great cardmaker you are! My favourite name for a blog is Pixie Dust, although whichever name you choose will be perfect. I'll be sure to pay you a visit when you set up your new blog. xx

  7. Fabulous looking snippet cards. Good luck going ahead with your own blog. All your names look good but I like Di's mix up of 2 to Pixie Mayhem! Definitely mischevious xxx


I'd love to hear what you think....thanks for looking :-)