Oh…I’ve missed this! So glad to be home and able to sit down and get back to crafting after taking some time off with the hubby and kids! It was a bit longer than I expected, having managed to pick up a stomach bug too. But what a challenge to come back to on the Less is More blog this week. It’s an inky, one layer card challenge this week….and it certainly has challenged me!!
So here’s my fourth attempt! I’m not going to bore you with how the first three went wrong, needless to say it was silly and messy but I’m happy with my final offering (even if the photo is a bit ropey!!).

I masked off the edges of an A5 card and used a brayer to ink a Melon Mambo and Perfect Plum background. I had to search for them, but I found my lavinia stamps in my stash and stamped my favourite moon fairy and willows. Of course…being a OLC I couldn’t paper piece the moon, so I have used my white gel pen to colour it instead. I’ve finished the image with a bit of dazzling diamonds and doodled a frame around the edge…hmmm! Not sure about the frame, but I couldn’t face a fifth attempt!!
So, a difficult one to come back with, but I hope you like it.
Hopefully I’ll be back up to speed with my card making soon….in between all the school uniform buying, washing, ironing and name tagging *sigh*.